Cyber Essentials Plus Certification Renewed
We are happy to report that we have just renewed our Cyber Essentials (CE) Plus certification for another year.
Big well done to the team involved!
We have had Cyber Essentials Plus certification for a number of years now and lots of our customers have also decided to go through the process of gaining Cyber Essentials certification with us too.
If you haven’t, here is some information about what Cyber Essentials certification is and why you should consider it for your business.
First of all, what is Cyber Essentials certification?
Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that lays out a set of policies and procedures that organisations can put in place to show they meet a basic standard of IT security.
These are a set of basic technical controls that organisations should have in place to protect themselves against common online security threats.
Cyber Essentials is suitable for organisations of all sizes and in all sectors.
Having a CE certification is usually mandatory for businesses who work on government contracts which involve handling personal information or providing certain products and services.
How do I get my business Cyber Essentials-certified?
There are a series of questions and assessment standards that have to be met. As part of the process, we have to confirm in writing how these are being done and how they will be maintained at that level.
The certification process covers basic IT security and takes into account:
- Your firewall
- Malware protection
- Security configuration (e.g. password policies, multifactor authentication, user access controls)
- Software update management (e.g. Windows Updates and software patches)
The CE rules also apply to any mobile devices that are owned by the organisation or staff if they access company data or services e.g. send/receive company email.
Why should we be Cyber Essentials-certified?
There are a number of reasons why your business should consider gaining Cyber Essentials accreditation.
- Protection Against Common Cyber Attacks: Cyber Essentials helps safeguard your organisation against the most common cyber threats. By implementing the technical controls outlined in the certification, you create a strong defence against basic attacks.
- Demonstrate Commitment to Cyber Security: by obtaining Cyber Essentials certification, you signal to customers and partners that you take cybersecurity seriously. It reassures them that you’re actively working to secure your IT systems against potential threats and shows your clients and customers that you are a trustworthy business they can deal with in confidence.
- Attract New Business: having Cyber Essentials certification can be a selling point when attracting new clients or customers. It demonstrates your commitment to protecting their data and sensitive information.
- Supply chain requirements: many businesses and government bodies now require companies along their supply chain to have Cyber Essentials. If you plan to bid for government contracts that involve handling sensitive information or providing technical products and services, Cyber Essentials certification is often mandatory.
- Clear Picture of Cyber Security Level: The certification process helps you assess your organisation’s cybersecurity. You’ll gain insights into areas where improvements are needed and can take steps to address vulnerabilities. Certification provides peace of mind. Knowing that your defences align with Cyber Essentials requirements means you’re less likely to fall victim to common cyber attacks.
If you would like to discuss gaining Cyber Essentials accreditation for your business, please get in touch
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