All About Leased Lines


This week, we’re going to explain what leased lines are and why they could be worth considering for your business.

If you’re looking at ways to connect your business to the internet, you might think that broadband is your only option. But did you know that there is another type of connection that could offer you more speed, reliability and flexibility? It’s called a leased line (sometimes called an Ethernet leased line), and it might be just what your business needs.

First things first, what is a leased line?

A leased line is a dedicated internet connection for your exclusive use. It connects directly from your premises to a data centre, or it can be used to connect your sites together if you’re based in more than one location. Unlike broadband, which routes data over a public network and is used by lots of other people, a leased line gives you a private and secure connection that is solely for your business.

What are the benefits of a leased line?

A leased line can offer a number of advantages over broadband, especially for businesses that rely on the internet for their operations. These include:

  • A synchronous connection: this means you get the same speed for uploading and downloading data, which is useful if your business uses cloud-based applications, video conferencing and you make and receive calls over your internet connection. For example, if you have a 100Mbps leased line, you can upload and download files at 100Mbps at the same time. With broadband you might get an 80Mbps download speed but only say 10Mbps upload speed.
  • No contention: when you have a leased line, you don’t have to share your bandwidth with other businesses or houses at the same phone exchange. This guarantees consistent performance and reliability at any time of the day. With broadband, you might experience slowdowns or interruptions during peak hours or when there is high demand on the network. But with a leased line, you can work without the threat of disruptions or delays.
  • Flexibility: you can choose the speed and bandwidth that suits your business needs, and scale it up as required. With broadband, you might be stuck with a fixed speed and bandwidth that might not meet your changing demands. With a leased line, you can adjust your connection according to demand.
  • Security: With a leased line you get a private connection that is less vulnerable to cyberattacks or interference. With broadband, your data travels over a shared network that might be accessed by hackers or malicious users. With a leased line, your data is encrypted and protected so you can keep your business information safe and confidential.

How do we know if a leased line is right for our business?

A leased line might be right for you if:

  • You rely on the cloud for your business operations or data storage. A leased line can give you faster and more reliable access to cloud services, such as email, CRM, accounting or backup.
  • You need fast and reliable communication with your customers, suppliers or remote workers. A leased line can enable you to use high-quality video calling and VoIP telephony without any lag or distortion.
  • You transfer large files or stream high-quality video regularly. A leased line can allow you to upload and download large files – such as images, videos or documents – quickly and smoothly.
  • You want more control and flexibility over your internet connection. A leased line can give you the ability to choose your speed and bandwidth, and change it as needed.
  • You want to improve your online security and reduce the risk of downtime. A leased line can provide you with a secure and resilient connection that minimises the chances of cyberattacks or network failures.

If you would like to discuss a leased line for your business, please get in touch >

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