January 2024
Welcome to our January newsletter update. We hope you’ve had a great start to 2024! |
Welcome Rob!
At the start of this year, Rob Gibbs joined our Sales Team as our Senior Account Manager.
Rob brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to NCS, having been in the industry for has many years working on “both sides of the table” as an IT Manager/IT Director and within our own IT support community and will be very well qualified to assist you.
We hope you’ll all join us in welcoming Rob to the NCS team! |
Our Busy Helpdesk
We have just reviewed the numbers for 2023 and our Helpdesk engineers have been very busy indeed!
Between them they completed over 19,000 support tickets and 11,574 telephone calls were taken over the year!
That’s amazing. Well done team!
If you need to raise a ticket with our Helpdesk, you can call them from 8am on 01706 23900 option 1, email helpdesk@ncs.cloud or log in to the portal and log a ticket at any time – day or night! |
5 IT-related New Year’s Resolutions
On month in to 2024 and you may have already forgotten about those New Year’s Resolutions you made at the start of the year, but we’ve put together 5 IT-related New Year’s Resolutions that would be good to keep!
Click here to read the blog post > |
All About Vulnerability Testing
IT security incidents happen all the time, even when you think your business isn’t a target.
Recent data shows that 43% of all cyberattacks have targeted small businesses. These criminals aren’t just going for the big corporates, literally any business could be targeted, and vulnerability testing is one way to check your networks are secure.
Find out more about vulnerability testing on our website here > |
Why Email Security is Important
Email has been a primary communication tool in the workplace for more than two decades. More than 333 billion emails are sent and received daily worldwide—and employees get an average of 120 emails a day.
This spells opportunity for cybercriminals who use business email compromise attacks, malware, phishing campaigns, and a host of other methods to steal valuable information from businesses.
Most cyberattacks —94 percent— begin with a malicious email. The consequences can be severe, leading to significant financial, data, and reputational losses.
To find out more about how to keep your email secure, click here > |
Forward to a colleague
If you think a colleague would benefit from receiving our emails too, please click here to forward this email to them and they can be added to our distribution list. |